Who brings you HEALING WATER i.e. MINERAL RICH ALKALINE WATER – the drinking water that differs greatly from almost all bottled waters
Ever heard the terms MICRO-CLUSTERED or STRUCTURED MINERAL WATER? – It is ‘clean pure living water’ in its 4th state, with added natural minerals, having a molecule micro-structure, which is essential for hydration. It is the wonder element of the universe and the water found in nature, before human intervention (urbanization)
It contains all 84 natural minerals – similar to that found in human blood plasma
Is alkaline and enhances the oxygen levels of our blood – assist your body in fighting disease
Has a molecule micro-clustered structure – for hydration of the entire body, on cellular level
Is 100% free of plastic and other contamination – in contrast to tap and most bottled waters in Gauteng, SA – as acknowledged by the government
It helps with;
Hydration, Detoxification, improve immunity and assist in weight loss
Increases energy and endurance – improving sport performance
Increases brain-activity and assist in brain-development of the young child
Slowing-down aging and keeps the skin moisturised and silky
Apart from Natural Mineral Water, we specialise in;
Health Water – for skin beauty, pregnancies, breast feeding, and the brain development of growing children
High Performance Sport Water
Super Hydrate/ HangOVER Water
Mineral Concentrate (alkaline electrolyte) – for the producing your own healthy mineral water
See website www.hidroplus.co for information you should know – for good health. Website references;
Video on the effect that Structured Water has on your blood quality
Dr De Beer’s Field Test Report – He endorses our water.
World’s Best Sport Performance (testimonial of a 68 year old athlete client of ours, and other testimonials)
Plastic Poisoning of Tap and Bottle Water in Gauteng
Healthy Water Initiative for Schools
We also supply the following;
Health products (a small range that really works)
Safe bulk water containers and bottles with the option of personalised labels
Water dispenser coolers
Water filter systems – Kitchen RO and Industrial systems, as well as our Unique Whole-house ISOGRAM filters for making your bath/shower water safe – a must for each home
System design by our engineer, and the installation and servicing of the above
Major benefits are possible to estate residents, schools, clinics etc. by either doorstep deliveries, or in-house supply of your own healthy structured mineral water (either by means of home-owner filter units, in conjunction with mineralisation, or a large estate-owned plant, which is more economical, and which could raise revenue for the estate)
Door to door deliveries – with reduced cost for bulk deliveries
People who drink or bath, shower and swim in chlorinated water may be at increased risk for bladdercancer, says a Spanish study in the American Journal of Epidemiology – January 22, 2007.
The study results showed the following rick increases:
35% when drinking chlorinated water
57% when swimming in chlorinated water
83% when showering or bathing in chlorinated water
If you care about your health, filtering your household water is more a necessity than an option these days. Pollutants have become a very significant problem that simply cannot be ignored any longer.
Clean, pure water is essential for good health, and I strongly encourage you to filter/conditioning the water entering your house – a must for each home, to protect your family in the long term.
This means filtering all the water that comes into the house, and then filtering your drinking water further at the kitchen sink, after which our natural mineral concentrate, which also structurizes the water, should be added.
In fact, immersing yourself in ‘chlorine and/or heavy metals contaminated’ tap water may be even more hazardous to your health than drinking it, as can be seen in the study quoted above, since the chemicals absorbed through your skin enter unaltered into your blood stream, bypassing your digestive and internal filtration systems. During a relaxing bath your body absorb more bad water than your normal drinking water intake was for the day.
Tap water can expose you to dangerous chlorine vapours, whilst the following are found in the water of some areas of our country, radioactive isotopes and heavy metals like uranium, arsenic, aluminium, cadmium, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, radium, vanadium and other toxins like nitrates and drugs, including antibiotics, hormones, etc., and some of which are carcinogenic (cancer causing).
(60 l/min. @ 3.5 bar input pressure)
The system is installed outside the house at the point of entering the house, after the pressure reducing valve and the T-off to the garden reticulation. The garden water is normally excluded to reduce the filter size and cost.
However, by also installing a Catalytic Ionising Conditioner (having no maintenance), the garden water will be excellent for plant growth and high vegetable yield.
Our ISOGRAM filter is used for the effective removal and isolation of radioactive isotopes, heavy metals and other toxins, from the water.
The granular absorption medium in the filter efficiently scavenges these toxins from the water.
The filter medium offers both ion exchange and superior mechanical filtration properties, absorbing toxins and heavy metals on atomic level by means of a powerful negative charge that exists within the structure, attracting the positively charged contaminants, and isolating them within its honeycomb structure.
The effectiveness of this unique medium has been most successfully demonstrated during the post-accident clean-up of both the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear disasters.
Carbon Block Filter:
The carbon block (part of filter) removes gaseous and low weight molecules such as chlorine, herbicides, pesticides etc. As water passes through the carbon, low weight contaminants adhere to the carbon.
The carbon in a sense ‘holds on’ to the contaminants. Carbon filters have a pore size of less than 1 micron to 50 microns, however it does not rely on the filtering/straining action alone … it’s main function is to actually adsorb (not absorb), or ‘grab-on’ to low weight and gaseous chemicals as they come into contact with the media.
Carbon block filters reduces a specific part of the spectrum of contaminants (it does not remove metals significantly), hence the ISOGRAM filter is used in conjunction with the carbon filter. It therefor greatly improves the health of the water since it takes care of the main culprits toxifying your body namely heavy metals and the excess chlorine which is carcinogenic.
Recent studies revealed alarming information regarding the effect that chemicals like Bisphenol-A (BPA) and Dioxin, both of which are found in plastic water bottles, and now also micro-plastics in drinking water, have had on the latest generation of the earth’s population.
Research – Plastic Disrupt Hormonal Balance: (quote)
According to research, men’s testosterone levels have declined by 25 percent since 1992, while their estrogen levels have increased by 40 percent. In addition, men nowadays have 40 percent less sperm count.
One of the chemicals contributing to this phenomenon is Bisphenol-A, found in plastic drinking-water bottles.
Bisphenol-A (BPA)
This chemical is used to prevent foods and beverages from having a plastic taste. Studies show that BPA has been linked to many health problems including infertility, diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Heat and direct sunlight activate plastic, causing toxins such as Dioxin to leach faster into the bottled water. The heat that releases Dioxin is applied to the plastic during bottle manufacturing and during packaging. Dioxin is a toxin increasingly found in breast cancer tissue. Unlike the industry norm we cold-wrap our 6-bottle-packs.
Plastic contaminants give rise to estrogen-hormone levels in men, as confirmed by the above mentioned study and causes infertility and mortality in rats due to cancer. When the rats are fed our structured mineral water they thrive in health and breed normally. This observation has been experienced in by one of our clients who is a rat breeder.
Study – Micro Plastic Particles Found Worldwide In Bottled Water:
CBS NEW YORK (quote) — A study examining 11 brands of bottled
water sold around the world has found that nearly every sample
tested (93%) was contaminated by microplastic particles.
SUNY researchers concluded that at least part of the contamination
came from packaging and bottling processes, Peggy Apter of Indiana said.
While the study found about 10 plastic particles which were the width of a hair in water samples, researchers also detected over 300 smaller particles of plastic in each tested bottle.
“We found plastic in bottle after bottle and brand after brand,” Prof. Sherri Mason told the BBC. “It’s really showing that this is everywhere, that plastic has become such a pervasive material in our society, and it’s pervading water.”
The health risks from consuming plastic particles are not fully known however, several countries and environmental scientists have already called for a ban on microplastics such as glitter. (end of quote)
How Then Can We Safeguard Ourselves:
We can safeguard ourselves from plastic toxins and micro-plastics by (1) consuming the right type of pure healthy ‘Structured Water’ that is not only free of the above toxins and other chemicals/contamination, and now micro-plastics – that cause estrogen levels to seriously rise in men, but also have the properties of ‘Living Water’ as originally found in nature and which enhances health, and (2) by using the right type of water-containers/bottles – see details at the bottom of the script.
The reverse osmoses (RO) filtering process removes the impurities, inclusive of the micro-plastics (down to 0.0005 micron). It even removes dissolved solid particles (minerals) that are in liquid form and smaller than the water molecules themselves. Unfortunately pure water is DEAD water. Hence NATURAL MINERALS, infused in a concentrated dilution that has been micro-structured needs to be added, to obtain the HEALTHIEST water possible. This process will produce the ‘Pure Healthy Structured Water’ referred to above.
You should only buy water (bottles or bulk) from suppliers who certify their water soars, water purification process, mineral details and process, bottling-fill-cleaning process and bottle/container material used. Ask a reputable water expert for advice. HIDRO+ WATER WELLNESS can be contacted on 082 904 8848; 012 997 1386; www.hidroplus.co
Understand that bottled waters differ greatly w.r.t its effect on your health. Following is a brief description why.
Water Types – What to Use:
Tap Water
The excess chlorine in tap water is carcinogenic (cancer causing) in the long run, and could also contain heavy metals, un-metabolized anti-retroviral drugs (ARV’s), antibiotics, anti-depressants, contraceptive medication, pesticides etc., and now also micro-plastic contamination caused by dumping of plastics in the environment, on land and sea. See our ISOGRAM whole-house filter on the website, for making your bath water carcinogenic safe.
Bottled Water (Inclusive of Bulk RO Water)
Bottled water is mostly reverse osmosis (RO) or demineralised water, which is also regarded as ‘dead’ water, which depletes our bodies of essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, causing osteoporosis and arthritis in the long term, because it cannot hydrate you on cellular level, irrespective of what is stated on the label – in many cases.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) do not consider RO-water suitable drinking water because of the low mineral content thereof – normally below 100 total dissolved ‘minerals’ or TDS. (See the label on your bottle for TDS – also check the pH value). Minerals are the basis for the electrolytes and are also the building blocks of your body, while alkalinity strengthens your immune system. The water pH should ideally be between 7.6 and 8.0.
Structured Alkaline Mineral Water (Healthiest water money can buy)
After RO purification (some kitchen purifiers) the dead water is revitalised or energised in a micro structuring process. Structured water is the 4th state of water and is electrically charged negative, thereby attracting the positively charged ions of heavy metals and other toxins for excretion, thus detoxifying the body. This water also re-charges your bio-chemical processes of respiration, energy production, brain function and enhances enzyme activities which is critical for good health.
Refer to the website mentioned below, to further understand what structured water is and why it is essential for healthy living of man, beast and plant.
Benefits of Structured Alkaline Mineral Water (also called Clustered Water);
Improves your blood condition within minutes – better immunity and health (see video in the website)
Increases blood pH and oxygen levels and de-toxifies – improved body functioning (refer to Dr de Beer’s field test report in the website)
Improves brain development and cognitive function in children (refer resurge report and teacher’s testimonial in the website)
Increase energy levels and sport performance/endurance – with high mineral content (refer world’s best performance testimonial in the website)
Slower aging, and better skin condition.
Too good to be true, to think that water can do you that good! Yes, but this only holds true for the right type of water though. There are numerous studies, reports and books written on these subjects that confirm these statements, but unfortunately are not widely enough presented to the public, because ignorance in the area of health is keeping the public on the verge of illness, which is beneficial to ‘big pharma’.
Types & Re-use of Plastic Bottles:
See article on types of plastic water bottles/containers in the website; www.hidroplus.co
Re-use of the usual PET plastic bottles can be harmful in the long term. The more you use it, the higher the risk of chemical leaching and bacterial contamination. It is concerning that the larger PET plastic bottles -normally clear and blue plastic; are frequently used by the public for bulk water re-filling purposes.
For re-use, only use containers/bottles which are made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), which do not leach toxins in sunlight or elevated temperatures, or use glass bottles.
Most of the information regarding the above is available on the internet. (Verify though between ‘fact’ or ‘claim’).
This “Ahhah” came from one of Dr. Batmanghelidj’s books, YOU ARE NOT SICK YOU ARE THIRSTY!
Dr. Batmanghelidj, (Dr. B.), a medical doctor trained at London University, began his research into the healing powers of water while being held as a political prisoner in prison in Iran. In 1979 about one thousand professional people were rounded up and put in prison. They were held many to one room under threat of death. A very stressful situation for the inmates who were under threat of death as well as being crowded. Dr. B. heard moans coming from a cell and found an inmate only semi-conscious doubled up in pain and curled into a fetal position on the floor. Dr. B. checked the man thinking that he may have a ruptured ulcer, but realized that it had not yet perforated. He asked the man what he had taken so far for pain. The man groaned that he had taken twenty antacid pills and three cimetidime pills to no avail. With no drugs at his disposal other than water Dr. B. gave the man three glasses of water over a period of half an hour and the man’s pain disappeared. That water could heal disease was a powerful “ah hah” to Dr. B. He realized that this “ah aha” was 180 degrees from what he had been taught in medical school.
As a result of that experience and while still in prison Dr. B. began researching healing effects of water. Dr. B. realized that his medical training had focused on wrong ideas that said disease states begin in the solid matter of the body. He learned that water does a lot more in the body than was recognized and that the cause of disease is dehydration. He recognized that the scientific foundation on which western medicine has been structured had been based on false assumptions. While still in prison Dr. B. began doing research into water. Over a span of close to three years he was able to heal nearly 3,000 other inmates using only water.
After his release from prison and upon arrival in America Dr. B. joined an organization called The Simple in Medicine where he continued his research into the ways in which water interacts in the body. His first efforts to present his research papers to the medical community were put off, edited or ignored completely by both the medical community and the American government FDA (Food & Drug Administration). Such important information was a threat to the allopathic medical system largely run by pharmaceutical companies. Dr. B. continued his research and communication efforts and after 20 years of data collection decided as a last resort to bring his information directly to the public through books and CD’s. He knew that his valuable information could start a system of health without need for much of our current elaborate health care system.
The four false assumptions of western medicine:
( extracts taken from Dr. B’s book)
“Dry mouth is the only sign of dehydration in the body”
Dr. B’s research indicates otherwise: The body can suffer from deep dehydration without manifesting a dry mouth symptom. Symptoms of drought can begin in the cells without affecting blood vessels. Dehydration in cell interiors produces life threatening illness without dry mouth symptoms. We sometimes think we are hungry when our bodies are actually crying out for water. Waiting to get thirsty is to die prematurely and painfully. Pain is a cry for water. Water relieves pain if enough is taken to reverse the drought actions initiated by the body.
A distinct marker of dehydration is the color of urine. A very light to colorless urine indicates the body is blessed with enough water. When naturally yellow (not as a result of pigments in supplements, etc.) it means the body is gradually getting short of water. When consistently orange colored it indicates serious health problems from dehydration. (Dr. B. lists other information as well).
“Water is a simple inert substance that only dissolves, circulates different things, and ultimately fills up the empty spaces. It has no chemical role of its own in the physiological functions of the body. All chemical actions in the body are performed by the solid matter that dissolved in water.”
Dr. B’s research indicates otherwise: Water is the single most complex element in nature. Water’s most important function is its energy generating actions. It manufactures hydroelectricity at the cell membranes and perhaps its most vital function is water’s adhesive properties which bond the solid structure of the cell membranes and protects life inside cells of the body. Modern medicine recognizes only the life-sustaining properties of water. That is why doctors never understood chronic unintentional dehydration as an ultimately deadly process. With decreased intake of water, we gradually limit life processes in the body until a pattern of decay is established.
“The human body can regulate its water intake efficiently throughout a person’s life.”
Dr. B’s research indicates otherwise: As we grow older we lose our perception of thirst and fail to drink adequately until the plum like cells in vital organs become prune like no longer able to sustain life. The body is forced to rely on drought management programs in order to continue to live. Dr. B. describes in simple detail the body’s attempts to survive drought when not enough water is available. These drought management processes are the body’s bid to survive. But they eventually result in what medicine calls disease as selective portions of the body are deprived of water to ensure the survival of vital organs like heart and brain. Diseases caused by lack of water are called asthma, arthritis, all kinds of cancer including prostate, stroke, obesity, depression, back pain, ulcers, diabetes, gout, kidney stones, high blood pressure, angina, and by many other names. (Dr. B. has signed written testimonies in his books that he cured them all with only water) One testimony is the story of a lady doctor, Dr. Day, with a fast growing breast cancer. The cancer became the size of an orange in just three weeks. Doctor Day had the cancer cut out but it had metastasized to other parts of her body. She did no chemotherapy or radiation because as a doctor she recognized that it is cancer treatments that kill patients not cancer. She gave up her medicine career where she had been a highly respected orthopedics teacher. To aid her healing she began to eat better nutritionally but was still going down hill. Bed ridden and close to death she was given Dr. B’s book. By increasing her water intake to 16 glasses of water a day until all the cancer was gone from her body she cured herself. It took eight months. Dr. Day has survived seven or more years now and has a web site called www.drday.com
“Any fluid can meet the body’s need: All manufactured beverages and fluids will serve the body in exactly the same way as water”
Dr. B’s research indicates otherwise: You cannot substitute any other beverage, coffee, juice, milk or soft drink for water. Dr. Day’s breast cancer was the symptom of serious dehydration in her body that gradually took over and ruined her health because she drank mostly coffee and little water. Some of the manufactured beverages in common usage today do not function in the body like normal water. When we drink beverages with caffeine in them we actually need to drink one and a half times as much water to aid our bodies to rid itself of caffeine poison. Dr. Batmanghelidj died in 2004 at the age of 74 of complications of pneumonia, but a web site run by his former secretary continues to make his message available at www.watercure.com. where Dr. B’s books, DVD’s and CD talks are all available for purchase.
Dr. B. indicated that each day you use up at least six to eight glasses of water in your body through breathing out vapor and
digesting food, etc. which at very least must be replenished. He said to take your body weight dividing the number of pounds by 2. The resultant number equals the amount of water in ounces that your body needs each day. Dr. B. recommended that you start the day by drinking at least two or three glasses of water – (any water except distilled which is too acidic). Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals and another two and a half hours after meals to complete digestion. Drink another glassful half an hour before going to bed at night. For every 10 glasses of water you take in you also need 1/2 teaspoon of natural salt like Celtic sea salt or rock salt but not the kind normally available. Manufactured salt has been stripped of the 80 or more trace minerals that your body requires. Taking kelp (available in pill form if you wish) will provide iodine needed or a good vitamin supplement can also supply iodine.
I have started to. I have always drunk water, perhaps not enough to prevent aging, but Maybe that is why my health is better than so many of my friends. For over twenty years I thought that I should try to be salt free and have now discovered that was a wrong assumption. When I began adding sea salt and more water to my diet last year my health improved. My blood pressure went down and I am now nearly off of medication. You also can make changes now and ensure yourself a pain free life.
Phillip Day – Investigative Journalist & Founder of “The Campaign for Truth in Medicine”
“Chronic pains of the body which cannot easily be explained as injury or infection, should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage in the area where the pain is registered. These pain signals should first be considered and excluded as primary indicators for dehydration of the body before any other complicated procedures are forced on the patient.” – Dr F Batmanghelidj
The human body is a bio-electrical water machine that requires a quart a day for every 50 lbs of body weight. The blood alone is made up of a large percentage of watery serum. The lymph fluids which transport waste and nutrients, comprising four times the volume of blood in the body, are made from the water we consume. Every cell that makes us who we are literally owes its life to an adequate supply of fresh, clean water.
When the body does not receive a constant, reliable supply of water, it has to ration what is available and cut back on certain functions to make the supply go round. Essential systems like the brain are prioritised, others are impaired or cut back until the brain has decided a reliable source of water has been garnered.
Here’s the rub. Most citizens have become chronically and dangerously dehydrated (especially the elderly), since we decided water was too bland to drink and ignored it in favour of tea, coffee, beer, wine, addictive sodas, flavoured water and other chemical-laced water alternatives. A disastrous and dangerous move for the body and society’s health in general, to be sure, compounded further since most doctors today cannot readily identify the many water-deficient diseases and associated pains. Thus the underlying dehydration process continues to wreak its havoc while the inevitable drugs given will switch off the warning signals (symptoms).
Are all of these conditions linked to a chronic state of dehydration? Worldrenowned water expert Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, in his latest bestseller, Water and Salt – Your Healers from Within, maintains that the above conditions are the body’s many cries for water, complaints dramatically improved with a consistent and long-term intake of the fresh, clean water. Dr Batman’s timely work has helped thousands quash long-term health problems effortlessly and inexpensively.
He writes: “The report of my having successfully treated with water more than three thousand people with symptoms and clinical signs of peptic ulcer disease was published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June 1983. I came away from that experience with the understanding that the people I treated were thirsty, and I uncovered the phenomenon that ‘pain’ in the body indicates thirst, even though the condition is classified as a disease.” Water is used by the body for digestion, detoxifying cells, watering the lungs, lubricating joints, keeping the body alkalized and a host of cleaning duties.
Many warning signals (‘symptoms’) arise out of the body’s inability to neutralize or rid itself of acid, a common enough complaint given the number of antacids sold around the world each day.
‘I drink coffee, tea, diet sodas, beer and a host of other liquids. They contain water, don’t they?’ This is a common and dangerous misconception. Many of today’s designer drinks are diuretic in their effect (waterexpelling) because their mostly acidic compositions require the body to give up water and alkalizing minerals to eliminate their harmful residues. Diet sodas especially are harmful in that they require large amounts of body-water to neutralize the phosphoric acid component (2.8 pH). Cells that started off healthy and ‘plum-like’ shrivel to prunes as water, the stuff of life, is progressively denied them. The sick in our hospitals are fed the sodas, tea and coffee they ask for in woeful ignorance of the damage wrought to the micro cell-world within them.
Batmanghelidj’s extraordinary work should rightly be considered by a mainstream medical community ever fixated on the drug cure. Below is a summary of body functions and that rely on an adequate intake of water:
Brain function:
The brain comprises 2% of the body’s total weight, yet receives 15-20% of the blood supply, mostly comprised of water. Dehydration will affect cognitive ability drastically, and, through histamine’s action, can create depressive states (many antidepressant medications are anti-histamines).
Bone function:
Bones require plentiful supplies of water. 75% of the weight of the upper body, for instance, is supported by the water core contained within the fifth lumbar disc, the remaining 25% by muscle fibers around the spine.
Nerve function:
Micro streams exist along the length of nerves which transport nutrients and conduct energy along microtubules to the synapses to transmit messages. Dehydration disrupts proper nerve function, resulting in the sensation of pain.
Water, far from being an inert solvent, is intricately involved in the body’s water-dependent chemical reactions. Lack of water means incomplete or faulty metabolic processes, with obvious implications for continued health and well-being. Proteins and enzymes, for instance, do not function as well in acidic solutions of higher viscosity (stickiness) where the body is dehydrated.
Cellular energy:
As water is drawn through the cell membrane, its osmotic flow generates a voltage gradient which can be used in the manufacture of ATP and GTP energy. Dehydration will obviously affect the proper functioning of cells and even kill them.
This neurotransmitter plays a major role in activating systems which encourage water intake when dehydration is detected. Functions in the body which consume large quantities of water are cut back, namely the bronchial tubes constricted to cut down on water use in the lungs; increased peristalsis in the bowels to wring more water out of fecal material, and so on. Other signs of histamine’s activity, namely allergies, asthma, depression and chronic pains, are interpreted by the physician as ‘disease’ and treated with anti-histamines, pain-killers (analgesics), etc. Thus the signals of thirst are turned off and the dehydration state continues unabated.
Dyspepsia (heartburn/reflux):
Over time, this can lead to ulceration and even cancer. Dr Batmanghelidj recommends that these conditions – also gastritis and duodenitis – be treated with water alone as they are one of the body’s major thirst signals. Arrested in his native Iran by the Revolutionary Council during the troubles of the late 1970’s, Dr B was confined to Evin prison, Tehran, during which time he successfully treated with water alone over three thousand people complaining of dyspeptic pain and associated symptoms.
Requires plentiful supplies of water. The stomach relies on mucus lining the walls to shield it from the effects of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid. A bicarbonate solution is produced from the cells in the lining which neutralizes any acid attempting to break through the mucus. Water is needed to maintain this effective defence system. Too little water, and the mucus barrier is ineffectual, the acid will penetrate and will lead to pain. Ideally, water should be consumed half an hour before a meal, in time to anticipate the production of digestive acid from glands in the stomach wall.
Often located at the valve between the stomach and duodenum. Said to be caused by curved bacteria known as helicobacters. Yet many people have helicobacters in their small intestine, yet not all of them suffer from ulcers. Histamine-producing nerves are located at this site, which monitor the through-put of acidic food chyme from the stomach into the intestine. Histamine has growth hormone effects on these micro-organisms, resulting in small intestine bacterial overgrowths (SIBOs). Once again, an adequate regime of water intake will allow all the functions relating to digestion to normalize. Prolonged water intake should therefore be considered before more drastic drug treatments are entered into.
It took several years for the public to realise the seriousness of our tap water problems in South Africa, and how it affects our health, notwithstanding the Blue Drop Certification. As you know pollutants and toxins sometimes enter our water catchment dams when sewage treatment plants are not properly maintained. Also bacteria and viruses, abattoir, medical and agricultural wastes contain pollutants that are not removed by municipal water treatment plants, and could include un-metabolized anti-retroviral drugs (ARV’s), antibiotics, anti-depressants, contraceptive medication etc. More info is available on request. (Refer ‘Expert Opinions on SA Water’ & A Report on the ‘Blue Drop Certification’ by the Development Bank of South Africa).
Bottled and filtered water
Alternatives such as bottled and filtered water were then introduced and all of us thought it was all right to either buy bottled water or install a filter of some kind in our kitchens – not knowing about the health risks still present. Sadly, the shortcomings of most kitchen filters range from ‘taste and odour enhancing only’ to producing ‘dead’ water. On the other hand, bottled water is not regulated in our country, and some are not of acceptable quality. Bottled water is mostly reverse osmosis (RO) or demineralised water, which is also regarded as ‘dead’ water, irrespective of what is stated on the label, in many cases.
RO versus mineral water
The RO process is in practice the most effective way of purifying water, however it removes not only the ‘bad stuff’, but also the ‘good stuff’ (minerals and trace elements, if any), leaving dead water behind, i.e. no electrolytes. Electrolytes are required among brain and body cells to transmit tiny electrical impulses, (in excess of 20 watts in your brain alone) which regulates all organ functions – It is, life itself. Purified water with a total dissolved solids (TDS) count below 100 is considered low-mineral water. A TDS of 130 minimum (i.e. minerals – not contaminants) is required in mineral water – This is not the case in most bottled waters; see bottle etiquettes for yourself.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) prescribes that demineralised or RO water, which depletes our bodies of essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, should not substitute ‘structured mineral alkaline water’, inclusive of water we cook with. (Refer ‘Health Risks Drinking RO Water’- WHO, available on request)
pH Balance
Most bottled waters are acidic. That is they have a pH value below 7 – see bottle etiquettes. Alkalinity, on the other hand, boosts the immune system, keeping you healthy. Our modern diets trigger acidity, which is one of the major cause of cholesterol. Cancer and most other illnesses thrive in an acidic body. The first corrective step is to drink alkaline balanced water with a pH between 7.4 and 7.8. (Refer Microscopic Blood Photographs – available on request).
Structured water: the ultimate
After RO purification the dead water (sometimes referred to as ‘demon water’) is revitalised or energised in our micro structuring process in a vortex, similar to what happens in nature in natural streams. Structured water is the 4th state of water and is electrically charged negative, thereby attracting positively charged heavy metals for excretion, thus detoxifying the body. This water also re-charges your bio-chemical processes of respiration, energy production, brain function and enhances enzyme activity, which is critical for good health. (Refer ‘Your Body’s Many Cries for Water’ – Dr F Batmanghelidj, World Foundation for Natural Science, Switzerland)
Structured water is micro clustered. It has 5-10 molecules per cluster, which is small enough to easily penetrate living cells, thus hydrating the cells. The water inside our cells is also structured water. Conversely, un-structured tap water or RO water has macro clusters, containing up to 90 molecules per cluster, rendering the majority of water clusters too large to penetrate your cells, causing de-hydration. Important to note that de-hydration is the principle causing agent in aging and of most diseases. (Refer to video ‘The Effect of Structured Water on Blood Properties’ – available from HIDRO+) During the structuring process 84 natural minerals and trace elements are infused into the water at molecular level. Important to note that vitamins in foods/supplements can’t be effectively absorbed without the presence of minerals. These minerals are the basis of the electrolytes in your body, required for electro-chemical impulses between brain neurons, nerve system and body cells. It therefore improves concentration ability and bodily endurance. I refer you to a 68 year old South African woman athlete who achieved the world’s best performance in a 500 km race using only our mineral enriched ‘SUPER HYDRATE’ water, without the use of any supplements (Refer testimonial ‘World’s Best Performance’ – available from HIDRO+).
Radioactive isotopes
Furthermore, acid mine drainage pollution in some areas, containing radioactive isotopes, which causes cancer, are not removed by water treatment processes. In fact, the Blue Drop Certification does not even require the testing of uranium levels in the water. These levels can be as high as double the cancer forming threshold. We remove this using Chernobyl technology.