+27(0)12 997 1386 or +27(0)82 904 8848 info@hidroplus.co

Dehydration during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

To protect your health and that of your developing baby, here’s what you need to know about dehydration during pregnancy and breast feeding:

• During pregnancy your fluid volume increases significantly to provide healthy amniotic fluid for your baby, while your body needs minerals for cell production. Also the mother’s blood volume increases by 40%, hence more water is required.

• The risks of dehydration during pregnancy and breastfeeding are not to be under estimated since associated complications can be very serious.

• Morning sickness that leads to nausea and vomiting causes fluid loss and increases chances for dehydration. The risk is often compounded by that fact that the feeling of nausea reduces the desire to drink water.

• Dehydration during the first trimester of pregnancy can result in inadequate amniotic fluid for your baby. In extreme cases, the fetes often ends up resting directly on the wall of the uterus, which can compromise development.

• Hydration during the second and third trimesters stresses mom’s body and can lead to muscle cramping, Braxton Hicks, and even premature labour.

• Breast feeding by its very nature, is a loss of fluid from moms body. Drink enough STRUCTURED ALKALINE MINERAL WATER.

How do you know if you’re getting enough water?

• A common recommendation is to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water per day
• Log your water intake
• If your urine is pale yellow, then you are likely getting enough fluids.

Water is wonderful for maintaining hydration, but feels free to mix it up if you’re dealing with nausea or just find it difficult to drink enough because you’re used to different types of beverages. Minimise artificial beverages, tea and coffee.

Try making flavoured waters, using your favourite fruits and herbs. Simply fill your water jug with mineral water and add some slices of your favourite ingredients, and let it sit overnight.

Here are some flavoured options:

• Pineapple and mint – Calms the for digestive system

• Cherries and lime – Improves the quality of sleep

• Watermelon and rosemary – For better blood flow.

• Orange, pineapple and ginger – Treats dehydration

• Celery, lime, and grapes – suppresses hunger pangs

• Rose water and mint – Stress relief

• Pear, ginger, vanilla and cinnamon – Prevents calcium deficiency

• Melon and cucumber – Headache prevention

• Orange, chia seeds and cinnamon – weight loss, joint pain relief and diabetes.

Please contact us to enquire about these recipes or visit our FaceBook page for more information.

Health risks from drinking demineralised water

World Health Organization Geneva, 2004 – Abstracts from this report summarises the contents as follows:


The composition of water varies widely with local geological conditions. Neither groundwater nor surface water has ever been chemically pure H2O, since water contains small amounts of gases, minerals and organic matter of natural origin. The total concentrations of substances dissolved in fresh water considered to be of good quality can be hundreds of mg/l.

Awareness of the importance of minerals and other beneficial constituents in drinking water has existed for thousands of years.

Demineralization of water was needed where the primary or the only abundant water source available was highly mineralized brackish water or sea water. Initially, these water treatment methods were not used elsewhere since they were technically exacting and costly.

Demineralized water is defined as water almost or completely free of dissolved minerals as a result of distillation, deionization, membrane filtration (reverse osmosis or Nano-filtration), electro dialysis or other technology. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in such water can vary but TDS could be as low as 1 mg/l. The electrical conductivity is generally less than 2 mS/m and may even be lower (<0.1 mS/m).

Although the technology had its beginnings in the 1960’s, demineralization was not widely used at that time. There were three evident reasons for this;

Demineralised water is highly aggressive and if untreated, its distribution through pipes and storage tanks would not be possible. The aggressive water attacks the water distribution piping and leaches metals and other materials from the pipes and associated plumbing materials.
• Distilled water has poor taste characteristics.
• Preliminary evidence was available that some substances present in water could have beneficial effects on human health as well as adverse effects.

The final report on the guidelines for drinking water quality, by the World Health Organization (WHO) published in 1980, concluded that “not only does completely demineralised water (distillate) have unsatisfactory organoleptic properties, but it also has a definite adverse influence on the animal and human organism.”

The possible health consequences of low mineral content water consumption are discussed in the following categories:
• Direct effects on the intestinal mucous membrane, metabolism and mineral homeostasis or other body functions.
• Practically zero calcium and magnesium intake.
• Low intake of other essential elements and microelements.
Loss of calcium, magnesium and other essential elements in prepared food.
• Possible increased dietary intake of toxic metals leached from water pipes.
• Possible bacterial re-growth.

Direct effects of low mineral content water on the intestinal mucous membrane, metabolism and mineral homeostasis or other body functions:
Distilled and low mineral content water (TDS < 50 mg/l) can have negative taste characteristics to which the consumer may adapt with time. This water is also reported to be less thirst quenching (WHO 1980).

It has been adequately demonstrated that consuming water of low mineral content has a negative effect on homeostasis mechanisms, compromising the mineral and water metabolism in the body. An increase in urine output (i.e., increased diuresis) is associated with an increase in excretion of major intra- and extracellular ions from the body fluids, their negative balance, and changes in body water levels and functional activity of some body water management dependent hormones and resulting in an overall negative balance if it is not adequately compensated from food, and lower volumes of red cells and some other haematocrit changes (WHO 1980).

Low-mineral water markedly: 1) increased diuresis (almost by 20%, on average), body water volume, and serum sodium concentrations, 2) decreased serum potassium concentration, and 3) increased the elimination of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium ions from the body.

The effects of water low in TDS (e.g. < 100 mg/l) on water and mineral homeostasis suggested that the osmotic change in the blood plasma results in the redistribution of body water; that is, there is an increase in the total extracellular fluid volume and the transfer of water from erythrocytes and interstitial fluid into the plasma and between intracellular and interstitial fluids.

The Society in its position paper explains that water in the human body always contains electrolytes (e.g. potassium and sodium) at certain concentrations controlled by the body. Water resorption by the intestinal epithelium is also enabled by sodium transport. If distilled water is ingested, the intestine has to add electrolytes to this water first, taking them from the body reserves.

Symptoms at the very beginning of this condition include tiredness, weakness and headache; more severe symptoms are muscular cramps and impaired heart rate.

Practically zero calcium and magnesium intake from low mineral water:
Calcium and magnesium are both essential elements. Calcium is a substantial component of bones and teeth. In addition, it plays a role in neuromuscular excitability (i.e., decreases, the proper function of the conducting myocardial system, heart and muscle contractility, intracellular information transmission and the coagulability of blood. Magnesium plays an important role as a co-factor and activator of more than 300 enzymatic reactions including glycolysis, ATP metabolism, transport of elements such as sodium, potassium, and calcium through membranes, synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, neuromuscular excitability and muscle contraction.

Since the early 1960’s, epidemiological studies in many countries all over the world have reported that soft water (i.e., water low in calcium and magnesium) and water low in magnesium is associated with increased morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Recent studies also suggest that the intake of soft water, i.e. water low in calcium, may be associated with higher risk of fracture in children (Verd Vallespir et al. 1992), certain neurodegenerative diseases (Jacqmin et al. 1994), pre-term birth and low weight at birth (Yang et al. 2002) and some types of cancer.

The population of the area supplied with water lower in minerals showed higher incidence rates of goiter, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis and nephritis. Children living in this area exhibited slower physical development and more growth abnormalities, pregnant women suffered more frequently from oedema and anaemia. Newborns of this area showed higher morbidity.

High loss of calcium, magnesium and other essential elements in food prepared in low-mineral water:
When used for cooking, soft water was found to cause substantial losses of all essential elements from food (vegetables, meat, cereals). Such losses may reach up to 60 % for magnesium and calcium or even more for some other microelements (e.g., copper 66 %, manganese 70 %, cobalt 86 %).

Increased risk from toxic metals:
Low-mineralized water is unstable and therefore, highly aggressive to materials with which it comes into contact. Such water more readily absorbs metals and some organic substances from pipes, coatings, storage tanks and containers, hose lines and fittings, being incapable of forming low-absorbable complexes with some toxic substances and thus reducing their negative effects.

Populations supplied with low-mineral water may be at a higher risk in terms of adverse effects from exposure to toxic substances compared to populations supplied with water of average mineralization and hardness.

Salts are leached from the body under the influence of drinking water with a low TDS. Because adverse effects such as altered water-salt balance were observed not only in completely desalinated water but also in water with TDS between 50 and 75 mg/l, the team that prepared the 1980 WHO report recommended that the minimum TDS in drinking water should be 100 mg/l. The team also recommended that the optimum TDS should be about 200-400 mg/l for chloridesulphate waters and 250-500 mg/l for bicarbonate waters.

Demineralised water that has not been re-mineralized, or low-mineral content water, in the light of the absence or substantial lack of essential minerals in it, is not considered ideal drinking water.

WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality – By F. Kozisek

Alkaline mineral water – uniquely different

Who brings you HEALING WATER i.e. MINERAL RICH ALKALINE WATER – the drinking water that differs greatly from almost all bottled waters

Ever heard the terms MICRO-CLUSTERED or STRUCTURED MINERAL WATER? – It is ‘clean pure living water’ in its 4th state, with added natural minerals, having a molecule micro-structure, which is essential for hydration. It is the wonder element of the universe and the water found in nature, before human intervention (urbanization)

  • It contains all 84 natural minerals – similar to that found in human blood plasma
  • Is alkaline and enhances the oxygen levels of our blood – assist your body in fighting disease
  • Has a molecule micro-clustered structure – for hydration of the entire body, on cellular level
  • Is 100% free of plastic and other contamination – in contrast to tap and most bottled waters in Gauteng, SA – as acknowledged by the government

It helps with;

  • Hydration, Detoxification, improve immunity and assist in weight loss
  • Increases energy and endurance – improving sport performance
  • Increases brain-activity and assist in brain-development of the young child
  • Slowing-down aging and keeps the skin moisturised and silky

Apart from Natural Mineral Water, we specialise in;

  • Health Water – for skin beauty, pregnancies, breast feeding, and the brain development of growing children
  • High Performance Sport Water
  • Super Hydrate/ HangOVER Water
  • Mineral Concentrate (alkaline electrolyte) – for the producing your own healthy mineral water

See website www.hidroplus.co for information you should know – for good health. Website references;

  • Video on the effect that Structured Water has on your blood quality
  • Dr De Beer’s Field Test Report – He endorses our water.
  • World’s Best Sport Performance (testimonial of a 68 year old athlete client of ours, and other testimonials)
  • Plastic Poisoning of Tap and Bottle Water in Gauteng
  • Healthy Water Initiative for Schools

We also supply the following;

  • Health products (a small range that really works)
  • Safe bulk water containers and bottles with the option of personalised labels
  • Water dispenser coolers
  • Water filter systems – Kitchen RO and Industrial systems, as well as our Unique Whole-house ISOGRAM filters for making your bath/shower water safe – a must for each home
  • System design by our engineer, and the installation and servicing of the above
  • Major benefits are possible to estate residents, schools, clinics etc. by either doorstep deliveries, or in-house supply of your own healthy structured mineral water (either by means of home-owner filter units, in conjunction with mineralisation, or a large estate-owned plant, which is more economical, and which could raise revenue for the estate)
  • Door to door deliveries – with reduced cost for bulk deliveries

Safe bath/shower water

Chlorinated water heightens cancer risk

People who drink or bath, shower and swim in chlorinated water may be at increased risk for bladder cancer, says a Spanish study in the American Journal of Epidemiology – January 22, 2007.

The study results showed the following rick increases:

  • 35% when drinking chlorinated water
  • 57% when swimming in chlorinated water
  • 83% when showering or bathing in chlorinated water

If you care about your health, filtering your household water is more a necessity than an option these days. Pollutants have become a very significant problem that simply cannot be ignored any longer.

Clean, pure water is essential for good health, and I strongly encourage you to filter/conditioning the water entering your house – a must for each home, to protect your family in the long term.

This means filtering all the water that comes into the house, and then filtering your drinking water further at the kitchen sink, after which our natural mineral concentrate, which  also structurizes the water, should be added.

In fact, immersing yourself in ‘chlorine and/or heavy metals contaminated’ tap water may be even more hazardous to your health than drinking it, as can be seen in the study quoted above, since the chemicals absorbed through your skin enter unaltered into your blood stream, bypassing your digestive and internal filtration systems. During a relaxing bath your body absorb more bad water than your normal drinking water intake was for the day.

Tap water can expose you to dangerous chlorine vapours, whilst the following are found in the  water of some areas of our country, radioactive isotopes and heavy metals like uranium, arsenic, aluminium, cadmium, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, radium, vanadium and other toxins like nitrates and drugs, including antibiotics, hormones, etc., and some of which are carcinogenic (cancer causing).


(60 l/min. @ 3.5 bar input pressure)

The system is installed outside the house at the point of entering the house, after the pressure reducing valve and the T-off to the garden reticulation. The garden water is normally excluded to reduce the filter size and cost.

However, by also installing a Catalytic Ionising Conditioner (having no maintenance), the garden water will be excellent for plant growth and high vegetable yield.

Our ISOGRAM filter is used for the effective removal and isolation of radioactive isotopes, heavy metals and other toxins, from the water.

The granular absorption medium in the filter efficiently scavenges these toxins from the water.

The filter medium offers both ion exchange and superior mechanical filtration properties, absorbing toxins and heavy metals on atomic level by means of a powerful negative charge that exists within the structure, attracting the positively charged contaminants, and isolating them within its honeycomb structure.

The effectiveness of this unique medium has been most successfully demonstrated during the post-accident clean-up of both the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear disasters.

Carbon Block Filter:

The carbon block (part of filter) removes gaseous and low weight molecules such as chlorine, herbicides, pesticides etc.  As water passes through the carbon, low weight contaminants adhere to the carbon.

The carbon in a sense ‘holds on’ to the contaminants.  Carbon filters have a pore size of less than 1 micron to 50 microns, however it does not rely on the filtering/straining action alone … it’s main function is to actually adsorb (not absorb), or ‘grab-on’ to low weight and gaseous chemicals as they come into contact with the media.

Carbon block filters reduces a specific part of the spectrum of contaminants (it does not remove metals significantly), hence the ISOGRAM filter is used in conjunction with the carbon filter. It therefor greatly improves the health of the water since it takes care of the main culprits toxifying your body namely heavy metals and the excess chlorine which is carcinogenic.


Plastic poisoning of our drinking water

Recent studies revealed alarming information regarding the effect that chemicals like Bisphenol-A (BPA)​ and Dioxin, both of which are found in plastic water bottles, and now also micro-plastics in drinking water, have had on the latest generation of the earth’s population.

Research – Plastic Disrupt Hormonal Balance: (quote)

According to research, men’s testosterone levels have declined by 25 percent since 1992, while their estrogen levels have increased by 40 percent. In addition, men nowadays have 40 percent less sperm count.

One of the chemicals contributing to this phenomenon is Bisphenol-A, found in plastic drinking-water bottles.

Bisphenol-A (BPA)​

This chemical is used to prevent foods and beverages from having a plastic taste. Studies show that BPA has been linked to many health problems including infertility, diabetes, cancer and heart disease.


Heat and direct sunlight activate plastic, causing toxins such as Dioxin to leach faster into the bottled water. The heat that releases Dioxin is applied to the plastic during bottle manufacturing and during packaging. Dioxin is a toxin increasingly found in breast cancer tissue. Unlike the industry norm we cold-wrap our 6-bottle-packs.

Plastic contaminants give rise to estrogen-hormone levels in men, as confirmed by the above mentioned study and causes infertility and mortality in rats due to cancer. When the rats are fed our structured mineral water they thrive in health and breed normally. This observation has been experienced in by one of our clients who is a rat breeder.

Study – Micro Plastic Particles Found Worldwide In Bottled Water:

CBS NEW YORK (quote)A study examining 11 brands of bottled

water sold around the world has found that nearly every sample

tested (93%) was contaminated by microplastic particles.

SUNY researchers concluded that at least part of the contamination

came from packaging and bottling processes, Peggy Apter of Indiana said.

While the study found about 10 plastic particles which were the width of a hair in water samples, researchers also detected over 300 smaller particles of plastic in each tested bottle.

“We found plastic in bottle after bottle and brand after brand,” Prof. Sherri Mason told the BBC. “It’s really showing that this is everywhere, that plastic has become such a pervasive material in our society, and it’s pervading water.”

The health risks from consuming plastic particles are not fully known however, several countries and environmental scientists have already called for a ban on microplastics such as glitter. (end of quote)

How Then Can We Safeguard Ourselves:

We can safeguard ourselves from plastic toxins and micro-plastics by (1) consuming the right type of pure healthy ‘Structured Water’ that is not only free of the above toxins and other chemicals/contamination, and now micro-plastics – that cause estrogen levels to seriously rise in men, but also have the properties of ‘Living Water’ as originally found in nature and which enhances health, and (2) by using the right type of water-containers/bottles – see details at the bottom of the script.

The reverse osmoses (RO) filtering process removes the impurities, inclusive of the micro-plastics (down to 0.0005 micron). It even removes dissolved solid particles (minerals) that are in liquid form and smaller than the water molecules themselves. Unfortunately pure water is DEAD water. Hence NATURAL MINERALS, infused in a concentrated dilution that has been micro-structured needs to be added, to obtain the HEALTHIEST water possible. This process will produce the ‘Pure Healthy Structured Water’ referred to above.

You should only buy water (bottles or bulk) from suppliers who certify their water soars, water purification process, mineral details and process, bottling-fill-cleaning process and bottle/container material used. Ask a reputable water expert for advice. HIDRO+ WATER WELLNESS can be contacted on 082 904 8848;  012 997 1386;  www.hidroplus.co

Understand that bottled waters differ greatly w.r.t its effect on your health. Following is a brief description why.

  1. Water Types – What to Use:

Tap Water

The excess chlorine in tap water is carcinogenic (cancer causing) in the long run, and could also contain heavy metals, un-metabolized anti-retroviral drugs (ARV’s), antibiotics, anti-depressants, contraceptive medication, pesticides etc., and now also micro-plastic contamination caused by dumping of plastics in the environment, on land and sea. See our ISOGRAM whole-house filter on the website, for making your bath water carcinogenic safe.

Bottled Water (Inclusive of Bulk RO Water)

Bottled water is mostly reverse osmosis (RO) or demineralised water, which is also regarded as ‘dead’ water, which depletes our bodies of essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, causing osteoporosis and arthritis in the long term, because it cannot hydrate you on cellular level, irrespective of what is stated on the label – in many cases.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) do not consider RO-water suitable drinking water because of the  low mineral content thereof – normally below 100 total dissolved ‘minerals’ or TDS. (See the label on your bottle for TDS – also check the pH value). Minerals are the basis for the electrolytes and are also the building blocks of your body, while alkalinity strengthens your immune system. The water pH should ideally be between 7.6 and 8.0.

Structured Alkaline Mineral Water (Healthiest water money can buy)

After RO purification (some kitchen purifiers) the dead water is revitalised or energised in a micro structuring process. Structured water is the 4th state of water and is electrically charged negative, thereby attracting the positively charged ions of heavy metals and other toxins for excretion, thus detoxifying the body. This water also re-charges your bio-chemical processes of respiration, energy production, brain function and enhances enzyme activities which is critical for good health.

Refer to the website mentioned below, to further understand what structured water is and why it is essential for healthy living of man, beast and plant.

Benefits of Structured Alkaline Mineral Water (also called Clustered Water);
  • Improves your blood condition within minutes – better immunity and health (see video in the website)
  • Increases blood pH and oxygen levels and de-toxifies – improved body functioning (refer to Dr de Beer’s field test report in the website)
  • Improves brain development and cognitive function in children (refer resurge report and teacher’s testimonial in the website)
  • Increase energy levels and sport performance/endurance – with high mineral content (refer world’s best performance testimonial in the website)
  • Slower aging, and better skin condition.

Too good to be true, to think that water can do you that good! Yes, but this only holds true for the right type of water though. There are numerous studies, reports and books written on these subjects that confirm these statements, but unfortunately are not widely enough presented to the public, because ignorance in the area of health is keeping the public on the verge of illness, which is beneficial to ‘big pharma’.

  1. Types & Re-use of Plastic Bottles:

See article on types of plastic water bottles/containers in the website; www.hidroplus.co

  • Re-use of the usual PET plastic bottles can be harmful in the long term. The more you use it, the higher the risk of chemical leaching and bacterial contamination. It is concerning that the larger PET plastic bottles -normally clear and blue plastic; are frequently used by the public for bulk water re-filling purposes.
  • For re-use, only use containers/bottles which are made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), which do not leach toxins in sunlight or elevated temperatures, or use glass bottles.

Most of the information regarding the above is available on the internet. (Verify though between ‘fact’ or ‘claim’).

World’s best performance

World’s best performance by a 68-year old athlete using hidro+ super hydrate


A 68-year old South African woman from Pretoria, Amanda Economon, covered 500.40 km (age adjusted to 658.544 km) in 6 days drinking HIDRO+ SUPER HYDRATE for hydration, as supplied by HHH Water and Health, The Village, Moreleta Park. No supplements, energy drinks, medication, steroids, banned substances or specially prepared foods were used.

“I did not experience any cramps or dehydration in spite of the high average maximum temperature of 33.895C and relative humidity of 80.83 %. It was the first time I used this type of water.”

Amanda Economon’s Ultra Long Distance Running Resume for 2016:
– 1st Place, World Ranking Age Category; 2nd female and 4th overall: 6 Day Circuit Race on 3 Jan 2016.
– Set new SA 24 hour record in age category on 23 Jan 2016.

Source: http://statistik.d-u-v.org/getresultpersonphp?runner=374580