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Domestic Filter Options

Domestic Filter Options

HIDROPLUS have developed a complete range of unique domestic water filters, to combat the problems related to the bad tap-water quality, that we are experiencing lately - and the problem will not disappear in the foreseeable future. The retention time in water...

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Minerals Matter

Minerals Matter

Is Your Body Getting Enough? by Dr. Richard Drucker While it’s safe to say most people have heard the word minerals before and know that they are beneficial when consumed, it’s also safe to say their exact meaning and purpose remain a mystery to many. Typically we...

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Safe bath/shower water

Safe bath/shower water

Chlorinated water heightens cancer risk People who drink or bath, shower and swim in chlorinated water may be at increased risk for bladder cancer, says a Spanish study in the American Journal of Epidemiology - January 22, 2007. The study results showed...

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You Are Not Sick You Are Thirsty!

You Are Not Sick You Are Thirsty!

This “Ahhah” came from one of Dr. Batmanghelidj’s books, YOU ARE NOT SICK YOU ARE THIRSTY!   Dr. Batmanghelidj, (Dr. B.), a medical doctor trained at London University, began his research into the healing powers of water while being held as a...

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