Find below a filter guide, describing three various kitchen filter types. It will help you to select the type best suited for your needs. It has become a necessity in our country to filter your drinking and cooking water (ie. kitchen water).
First, some background insight is required before an intelligent decision can be made. You can click on the video link ‘Water Filtering by Prof du Rand’ (or directly use the embedded link below) to listen to a very good explanation why this is so essential, especially for our children, who are greatly affected by estrogenic hormones and micro-plastics, amongst other contaminants, in tap water. No child should be growing up nowadays without good quality filtered water, enriched with natural minerals.
Please understand that not all water filters are alike (like water – not all waters are the same). In short, some filters only remove particles from the water and not the most-harmful biological and chemical dissolved substances. For that you need the RO (reverse osmoses) process for ultimate filtration, producing clean safe water, which is unfortunately dead sterile water (ie. similar to battery water – which actually is the water mostly sold as bottled-water). It is not healthy drinking water – according to the World Health Organization.
RO kitchen filters use the best filtration system available to mankind, but it throws away 80% water into the drain, and hence deliver a very small stream. This makes it unsuitable for high flow rates required for instance for rinsing your food. By buying a larger unit at about double the price, than those mostly sold, you can have 8 times higher flow rate.
Also, RO filtered water, which is sold by most water shops, is acidic and contains no minerals. Your body needs natural minerals in water for proper functioning, and staying healthy. You can click on the video link ‘Mineral Deficiency by Dr Peter Glidden’ to obtain a good insight why this is so important for your wellbeing.
Fortunately, RO water can be changed into healthy living mineral water, fit for drinking & cooking, by adding our structured natural mineral concentrate to it. Our bodies need living’ water – not just ‘safe’ water, to function as nature intended. High-mineral-water, amongst other benefits, increases brain activity and assist in the brain development of children – according to research in the UK. See various reports on mineral water in our website.
Here then the various options to produce your own healthy living water via the kitchen filters we supply:
The ‘MAXI RO-FILTER’ – The Ultimate Multipurpose RO Kitchen Filter (Drink/Cook/Rinse)
This, larger size unit, is the ultimate choice of a dual-purpose kitchen filter, having sufficient filter flow rate, required for food rinsing, as well as the option to produce RO water – to which mineral concentrate can be added, to make your own Healthy Living Mineral drinking/ cooking/ coffee/ water at home.
RO filters are the only filter type producing perfectly clean-safe water (not healthy water), but it is inherently dead, sterile, acidic water – in which all contaminants, as well as the minerals in the water are removed.
A larger than normal RO filter is recommended for the following reasons:
- A larger size unit is required, to give sufficient water flow, required for food rinsing. It has a flow rate around 60 litres/hour versus 7 litres/hour of the small RO units normally sold, which make food rinsing impossible
- The larger recommended unit cost around twice the price of a standard small RO unit, but delivers around 8 times more water – which is required for the said duty
- The flow rate of the small standard units is so small that a pressurised accumulator is required, to boost the flow rate only for a short period of time – which is still too low
- However, this bladder type accumulator becomes contaminated with bacteria over time, and it cannot be cleaned
- A low flow rate causes excessive long container filling time. Container filling is required to enable the addition of mineral concentrate – to produce healthy mineral water. ie. Long filling times could result in forgetting to shut-off waterflow, resulting in spillage/clean-up.
The recommended larger filter has a slightly higher purchase price, and a high filter-cartridge replacement cost, but produces the purist drinking water possible.
Features and Requirements:
- The filter requires an electric power supply
- It is fitted with a proper deep, self-draining drip tray, preventing cupboard damage (Our addition)
- It has a flow rate of 60 litres/hour
- Its cartridge replacement cost is R1000.00 annually (2024)
- It is easy to install with our DIY instructions (We do installations within a 16km radius from the shop)
- The filter units, cartridges and mineral concentrate can be shipped via courier (See combo-specials)
PRICE: MAXI RO-FILTER with Drip Tray (R4 500)
NOTE: A combo-special discount of 15% applies to Mineral Concentrate, when ordering with the filter, or with a full set of replacement cartridges
The ‘HIDRO TAP SAFE’ Kitchen-Water Filter – with backwash facility
Given the current concerns about tap water quality, it is now considered essential to have at least this type of filter, as a minimum requirement, installed in your house.
Our own newly designed unique 4-stage water filter with its low operating cost, is a vast improvement on conventional kitchen water filters. It delivers 100% the flow capacity, versus 20% of RO under sink filters, and uses Ultra Filtration, which filters-out bacteria and the majority of the most-harmful contaminants, but not the minerals in the water. It also utilises the ISO-GRAM filter, which removes all the harmful heavy metals and radioisotopes from the water.
It is an economical and practical option for usages like food rinsing and cooking, and renders safe water for drinking, but not water as perfect as RO water to which our Mineral Concentrate had been added. The mineral content of its water can however be improved by the addition of the above mentioned mineral concentrate.
Ultra filtration is not used in kitchen filters in general, because it blocks-up too frequently, due to the small aperture size of the membrane. We therefore have built-in a backwash facility instead of having to replace membranes frequently, rendering it a low maintenance cost unit. The present (2024) cartridge replacement cost is R400 annually, versus R1 000 for that of an equally sized RO filter.
This filter removes the most-harmful contaminants, namely:
- Chlorine (which can cause cancer in the long term)
- Bacteria (such as E.coli etc.)
- Biological oestrogen hormones (especially bad for men and boys)
- Micro-plastics (a synthetic oestrogen, present everywhere – a world-wide problem)
- Heavy metals and radioactive isotopes
- Bad tastes and odours, as well as foreign matter down to 0,01 micron (bacteria is larger than that)
Features and Requirements:
- The filter requires no electric power
- It is fitted with a proper deep, self-draining drip tray, preventing cupboard damage (Our addition)
- It has a much higher flow rate (60 litres/hour), than conventual under sink RO filters
- It has a low filter cartridge replacement cost (R400.00 annually), compared to RO filters of similar size
- It is easy to install with our DIY instructions (We do installations within a 16km radius from the shop)
- The filter units, our unique ISO-GRAM cartridges and mineral concentrate can be shipped via courier
- NOTE: No child should be growing up without, at least, this type of filter in the house
PRICING: HIDRO TAP-SAFE Kitchen-Water Filter with Backwash and Drip Tray (R4300)
NOTE: A combo-special discount of 15% applies to Mineral Concentrate, when ordering with the filter, or with a full set of replacement cartridges
The ‘HIDRO BOREHOLE-SAFE’ Kitchen Water-Filter – with on-off UV
This unique 3 stage kitchen water filter, with its ISO-GRAM filter cartridge removes heavy metals, and its UV disinfecting light, which activates only during water flow, is an improvement on conventional water filters. The UV light therefore doesn’t heat-up the water, the condition of which is favourable for bacteria growth. It filters the water to 1 micron particle size, and ensures safe water for food-rinsing and cooking, even should your borehole water become contaminated with bacteria.
It has a low cartridge replacement cost, and a much higher flow rate than the traditional RO filters (around 7 litres/minute versus 7 litres/hour – of the small RO water filters normally sold) – making food rinsing possible, practical, and safe.
Note; If your borehole water is low on minerals (TDS below 120 PPM), you can add our mineral concentrate to enrich the water quality and health properties. You can bring-in your water sample for measuring the TDS and a free consultation.
Features and Requirements:
- Kills Bacteria (such as E.coli etc.) – safe for drinking and cooking
- Remove heavy-metals and radioactive isotopes
- Remove bad tastes and odours
- Filters out foreign matter down to 1,0 micron
- Requires a power supply
- It is fitted with a proper deep, self-draining drip tray, preventing cupboard damage (Our addition)
- It has a high flow rate (7 litres/min) – sufficient for food rinsing
- It has a low filter cartridge replacement cost (presently 2024 – R400.00 annually)
- It is easy to install with our DIY instructions (We do installations within a 16km radius from the shop)
- The filter units, our unique ISO-GRAM cartridges and mineral concentrate can be shipped via courier
PRICE: HIDRO BOREHOLE-SAFE’ Kitchen Water-Filter with on-off UV & Drip Tray (R3 800)
NOTE: A special Combo discount of 15% applies to Mineral Concentrate, when ordering with the filter, or with a full set of replacement cartridges.